KUALA LUMPUR: Kemenangan 3-0 skuad bola sepak negara ke atas Indonesia pada saingan akhir Piala Suzuki Persekutuan Bola Sepak Asean (AFF) pusingan pertama membuktikan fenomena baru sukan bola sepak Malaysia telah bermula.
Biarpun dikeji ketika kekalahan besar 1-5 pada saingan peringkat kumpulan sebelum ini, skuad kendalian K.Rajagobal ini bangkit mengatur langkah satu persatu sehingga mara ke perlawanan akhir.
Memang tidak dinafikan saingan bertemu pasukan Garuda ini bukan mudah, namun dengan keazaman dan tidak takut kepada pihak lawan mereka telah menjulang kemenangan ini yang berlangsung di Stadium Bukit Jalil.
Aksi garang skuad Harimau Malaya ini harus dipuji walaupun menerima asakan daripada pihak lawan dan pastinya sikap tenang setiap pemain dalam menghadapi situasi ini berbaloi.
Dalam kemeriahan meraikan kejayaan ini, timbul isu yang tidak sedap didengar mengenai beberapa protes daripada peminat-peminat bola sepak Indonesia yang mendakwa bantuan laser yang digunakan penonton-penonton Malaysia antara faktor pasukan Malaysia mendapatkan gol.
Pada hakikatya, memang ada pantulan laser yang digunakan pada perlawanan ini, tetapi perlu diingat bahawa kesemua gol yang dijaringkan oleh pemain-pemain negara bukanlah sepakan penalti atau sepakan percuma, tetapi ia adalah hasil jaringan daripada gerakan menarik yang dilakukan oleh Mohd Safee Mohd Sali (m-59,71) dan Mohamad Ashari Samsudin (m-67) yang menggantikan Mohd AmirulHadi Zainal.
Pun begitu keadaan sedikit tegang sehingga memaksa perlawanan dihentikan lebih kurang lima minit selepas lapan minit babak kedua dimulakan gara-gara penjaga gol Indonesia, Marcus Harison Rihihinan memprotes terkena pancaran laser, malah semua pemain Indonesia seakan tidak berpuas hati dengan keadaan itu dan memaksa pengadil dari Jepun, Toma Masaaki menghentikan perlawanan seketika.
Pasukan negara telah membuktikan bahawa jaringan yang dilakukan itu bukanlah disebabkan sepakan penalti, tetapi disebabkan percaturan bijak dengan gandingan Safee, Norshahrul Idlan serta Kunanlan di bahagian serangan. Malah benteng pertahanan negara juga kukuh dalam menepis serangan pasukan Garuda itu.
Bekalan tiga gol sebelum bertandang ke Jakarta bagi menghadapi pusingan kedua ini sedikit memberi kelegaan bukan sahaja kepada semua pemain, tetapi kepada semua 75,000 penonton Malaysia yang membanjiri stadium Ahad lalu. Kerana mereka jugalah telah menjadikan suasana stadium dipenuhi dengan warna hitam kuning, warna rasmi jersi pasukan Harimau Malaya ini sekali gus memberi semangat berganda kepada barisan pemain negara bagi mempamerkan aksi yang terbaik.
Permainan agresif yang dipamerkan itu sedikit sebanyak mendatangkan gerun kepada skuad bimbingan Alfed Riedl yang pastinya tidak menjangkakan aksi seperti ini dan jauh berbeza ketika perlawanan sebelum ini.
Perasaan terlalu yakin boleh ‘makan’ pasukan Malaysia akhirnya memakan diri sendiri dan dalam masa sama pasukan Indonesia ini boleh digelarkan ‘jaguh kampung’ kerana ini kali pertama mereka beraksi di luar Stadium Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta.
Sementara itu, Rajagobal memuji aksi pemain-pemainnya yang tidak gentar bertemu lawan yang pernah mengalahkan mereka.
“Mereka semua telah membuktikan bahawa Malaysia mampu bermain dengan baik, malah telah menunjukkan aksi agresif, tidak takut dalam mencari gol. Inilah kunci kemenangan mereka. Tetapi kami masih sedar, perlawanan belum lagi tamat dan masih ada lagi 90 minit perlawanan.
“Saya akan menyusun kembali perancangan bagi menghadapi perlawanan timbal balik Rabu ini di Jakarta dan formasi apa yang sesuai digunakan nanti,” katanya kepada media selepas perlawanan, Ahad.
Selain itu Rajagobal turut berkata, pancaran laser yang digunakan ketika perlawanan sedang berjalan bukanlah alasan pasukan Malaysia menang.
“Kita tidak boleh cakap laser itu datang daripada penyokong Malaysia atau Indonesia kerana kita tidak tahu siapa yang melakukannya. Tetapi inilah bola sepak, kita kena main secara bersih sama ada menang atau kalah. Sebelum ini ketika pasukan Malaysia kalah, kita menerima dengan hati terbuka dan sedar kesalahan yang dilakukan ketika bermain,” katanya.
Harapan untuk melihat trofi kejuaraan pertama kali dibawa ke Malaysia bakal terlaksana dua hari lagi sekiranya barisan pemain negara mengekalkan rentak konsisten seperti mana yang ditunjukkan pada saingan pertama ini.
Peluang sudah terbuka luas, dan mereka hanya perlu menamatkan sisa-sisa perlawanan sebelum dinobatkan sabagai juara.
Apa yang penting mereka perlu bijak menghadapi tekanan, fokus, tenang serta bekerjasa antara faktor utama yang perlu dipegang ketika perlawanan nanti. Kemungkinan besar pemain-pemain negara bakal dihidangkan dengan tekanan daripada penyokong-penyokong Indonesia yang pastinya ingin melihat kemenangan berpihak kepada mereka.
Monday, December 27, 2010
If you have ATM card with the Cirrus and PLUS networks then you can use it overseas to withdraw money rather than bringing cash to exchange. I will recommend those who’re traveling frequently across various countries, then using the Cirrus and PLUS networks would be the best option as you no need to carry a lot of cash around.
They will definitely charge you the service fees whenever you withdraw. The fee is varied from each different bank but the great thing is it’s a flat rate. Let say if you withdraw cash using CIMB ATM card at Singapore then you will only be charge a flat rate of RM10 regardless of any amount. So, if the more you withdraw the less percentage of charges you have. Do you know why? Let’s see my calculation below:
Scenario 1: Mr.John withdraw RM1,000 at ATM overseas, the charges he need to pay is RM10. So, the percentage of charges is 1%.
Scenario 2: Mr. Sam withdraw RM5,000 at ATM overseas, and the charges he need to pay is same as Mr. John with just RM10 only. So, the percentage of charges is 0.2% only.
How Much Maximum Amount Can Withdraw At ATM Overseas?
You also need to know that the maximum amount that you can withdraw from the ATM overseas is depending on the country’s currencies. If you have set your bank’s daily withdrawal limit to RM5,000, then the maximum amount you can get is around SGD2,074.70. (Assume the exchange rate is 2.41).
They will definitely charge you the service fees whenever you withdraw. The fee is varied from each different bank but the great thing is it’s a flat rate. Let say if you withdraw cash using CIMB ATM card at Singapore then you will only be charge a flat rate of RM10 regardless of any amount. So, if the more you withdraw the less percentage of charges you have. Do you know why? Let’s see my calculation below:
Scenario 1: Mr.John withdraw RM1,000 at ATM overseas, the charges he need to pay is RM10. So, the percentage of charges is 1%.
Scenario 2: Mr. Sam withdraw RM5,000 at ATM overseas, and the charges he need to pay is same as Mr. John with just RM10 only. So, the percentage of charges is 0.2% only.
How Much Maximum Amount Can Withdraw At ATM Overseas?
You also need to know that the maximum amount that you can withdraw from the ATM overseas is depending on the country’s currencies. If you have set your bank’s daily withdrawal limit to RM5,000, then the maximum amount you can get is around SGD2,074.70. (Assume the exchange rate is 2.41).
The Vehicle Registration Plate Number is the thing for every new car buyer mind after selecting the model and color. Are you fancy owning a personalized car number plate? Vehicle owners may able to buy a range of numbers such as 1 to 9999.
These are the price for those who desire to choose their favourite number as their car plate number:
RM210 - These are the current running numbers made available. You can refer to the JPJ website for the current running number. Let say the current running number is 7303, then you can choose the available numbers starting with 7xxxx and 8xxxx.
car plate number
RM310 - You can preselect any advance number (if available). For example, if the current running number is 3303. You can select any numbers available beyond the 3 series up to 9999 (within the current alphabet, let say PJL) but you can’t jump the next alphabet, PJM.
Those single digit number also known as Golden Number and it can fetch as high as RM100,000! The number plate 1 in Kuala Lumpur goes for between RM10k to RM100k while the same number in Malacca would go for RM35k to RM45k. So, we can see that the value of number plates different from state to state. The digit 1 is always the highest priced number in any state, followed by the digits 2, 3 and 8. Those high price numbers double digit numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 88, and 99 can go as high as RM5k to RM15k.
Over the years, some other numbers have been highly sought after because they resemble names to become likeable words. Among them are DAV 10 (David), MAN 15 (Manis), DR 6161 (Dr Gigi) and DU 17 (Duit).
Basically most single, double and some triple digits will run into 4 figures at least. So, have you think your car plate number?
These are the price for those who desire to choose their favourite number as their car plate number:
RM210 - These are the current running numbers made available. You can refer to the JPJ website for the current running number. Let say the current running number is 7303, then you can choose the available numbers starting with 7xxxx and 8xxxx.
car plate number
RM310 - You can preselect any advance number (if available). For example, if the current running number is 3303. You can select any numbers available beyond the 3 series up to 9999 (within the current alphabet, let say PJL) but you can’t jump the next alphabet, PJM.
Those single digit number also known as Golden Number and it can fetch as high as RM100,000! The number plate 1 in Kuala Lumpur goes for between RM10k to RM100k while the same number in Malacca would go for RM35k to RM45k. So, we can see that the value of number plates different from state to state. The digit 1 is always the highest priced number in any state, followed by the digits 2, 3 and 8. Those high price numbers double digit numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 88, and 99 can go as high as RM5k to RM15k.
Over the years, some other numbers have been highly sought after because they resemble names to become likeable words. Among them are DAV 10 (David), MAN 15 (Manis), DR 6161 (Dr Gigi) and DU 17 (Duit).
Basically most single, double and some triple digits will run into 4 figures at least. So, have you think your car plate number?
E-Numbers represent specific food additives, used by the food industry in the manufacture of various food products. These E-Numbers have been formulated by the European Economic Community (EEC) and are universally adopted by the food industry worldwide.
It is known that many E-numbers contain unlisted haraam ingredients in them. Generally additives derived from animals and insects.
E-numbers are reference numbers used by the European Union to facilitate identification of food additives. All food additives used in the European Union are identified by an E-number. The "E" stands for "Europe" or "European Union". Normally each food additive is assigned a unique number, though occasionally, related additives are given an extension ("a", "b", or "i", "ii") to another E-number.
The Commission of the European Union assigns e-numbers after the additive is cleared by the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF), the body responsible for the safety evaluation of food additives in the European Union. The convention for assigning E-numbers is:
100-199 food colors
200-299 preservatives
300-399 antioxidants, phosphates, and complexing agents
400-499 thickeners, gelling agents, phosphates, humectants, emulsifiers
500-599 salts and related compounds
600-699 flavor enhancers
700-899 not used for food additives (used for feed additives)
900-999 surface coating agents, gases, sweeteners
1000-1399 miscellaneous additive
1400-1499 starch derivatives
E-numbers are only used for substances added directly to food products, so contaminants, enzymes and processing aids, which may be classified as additives in the USA, are not included in the E-number system.
There is an EU directive on food labeling which requires food additives to be listed in the product ingredients whenever they are added for technological purposes. This includes coloring, sweetening and favor enhancement as well as for preservation, thickening, emulsifying and the like. Ingredients must be listed in descending order of weight, which means that are generally found close to the end of the list of ingredients. However, substances used in the protection of plants and plant products, flavorings and substances added as nutrients (e.g., minerals, trace elements or vitamins) do not need to be included in the ingredient list. Because of this, some substances that are regulated as food additives in other countries may be exempt from the food additive definition in the EU.
Additives which are ALWAYS of animal origin, such as (HARAAM):
* E120 Cochineal : a red colour obtained from female insects
* E441 Gelatine : derived from the bones and/ or hides of cattle and/ or pigs
* E542 Edible Bone Phosphate : an extract from animal bones
* E904 Shellac : a resin from the lac insect
Whilst some additives with a common code such as E47, can be either of animal or plant origin and this latter type needs to be investigated on a case-by-case basis per product/ manufacturer.
The main additives you need to be aware of are:
* Glycerol / Glycerin / Glycerine (E422) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources.
* Emulsifiers (E470 to E483) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal sources.
* Edible Bone Phosphate (E542) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources.
-Number Name Description Halal Status
E100 Curcumin/Turmeric Color Halal if pure grind turmeric powder or granular. Mushbooh if used as liquid, the solvents has to be Halal. Haraam if hidden ingredient is pork fat based emulsifier in dry mix.
E101 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Color Mushbooh (Haraam if from pork liver & Kidney, Halal if 100% plant material
E102 Tartrazine Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E104 Quinoline Yellow Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent other than water has to be Halal
E110 Sunset Yellow FCF / Orange Yellow S Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E120 Cochineal / Carminic Acid Color Haraam according to Hanafi Fiqqah
E122 Carmoisine / Azorubine Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E123 Amaranth Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E124 Ponceau 4R / Cochineal Red A Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E127 Erythrosine BS Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E131 Patent Blue V Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E132 Indigo Carmine / Idigotine Color Halal if use as is as a 100% synthetic color but if pork glycerin is added as a solvent then it is Haraam
E140 Chlorophyll Color Halal if use 100% powder or Halal if water or vegetable oil was used as a solvent
E141 Copper Complex of Chlorophyll Color Halal if use 100% powder or Halal if water or vegetable oil was used as a solvent
E142 Green S / Acid Brilliant Green BS Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E150(a-d) Caramel Color/with chemicals Color Halal
E151 Black PN / Brilliant Black BN Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E153 Carbon Black / Vegetable Carbon (Charcoal) Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E160a Alpha, Beta, Gamma Color - Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E160b Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin Color - Carotene Halal
E160c Capsanthin / Capsorbin Color- Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E160d Lycopene Color - Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E160e Beta-apo-8-carotenal Color - Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry powder or granular or Halal if vegetable oil is used as a solvent in liquid form as a hidden ingredient. Haraam if pork gelatin is used as hidden ingredient or carrier
E160f Ethyl ester of Beta-apo-8-cartonoic acid Color - Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry powder or granular or Halal if vegetable oil is used as a solvent in liquid form as a hidden ingredient. Haraam if pork gelatin is used as hidden ingredient or carrier
E161a Flavoxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161b Lutein Color Halal if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if pork gelatin or pork glycerin is added in dry or liquid form
E161c Cryptoxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161d Rubixanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161e Violaxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161f Rhodoxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161g Canthaxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E162 Beetroot Red / Betanin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E163 Anthocyanins Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E170 Calcium Carbonate (Chalk) Color - Inorganic Halal if obtained from rock mineral and used as 100% dry powder or granular. Mushbooh if used as liquid, solvent has to be Halal
E171 Titanium Dioxide Color - Inorganic Halal
E172 Iron Oxides and Hydroxides Color - Inorganic Halal
E173 Aluminium Color - Inorganic Halal
E174 Silver Color - Inorganic Halal
E175 Gold Color - Inorganic Halal
E180 Pigment Rubine / Lithol Rubine BK Color - Inorganic Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E200 Sorbic Acid Preservative Halal
E201 Soduim Sorbate Preservative Halal
E202 Potassium Sorbate Preservative Halal
E203 Calcium Sorbate Preservative Halal
E210 Benzoic Acid Preservative Halal
E211 Sodium Benzoate Preservative Halal
E212 Potassium Benzoate Preservative Halal
E213 Calcium Benzoate Preservative Halal, if calcium obtained from mineral, Mushbooh if it is obtained from bones.
E214 Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E215 Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, Sodium Salt Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E216 Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E217 Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, Sodium Salt Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E218 Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E219 Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, Sodium Salt Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E220 Sulphur Dioxide Preservative Halal
E221 Sodium Sulphite Preservative Halal
E222 Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite Preservative Halal
E223 Sodium Metabisulphite Preservative Halal
E224 Potassium Metabisulphite Preservative Halal
E226 Calcium Sulphite Preservative Halal
E227 Calcium Hydrogen Sulphite Preservative Halal, if calcium is obtained from mineral or chemicals. Mushbooh if it is obtained from bones.
E230 Biphenyl / Diphenyl Preservative Halal, if no alcohol is used as a solvent
E231 2-Hydroxybiphenyl Preservative Halal, if no alcohol is used as a solvent
E232 Sodium Biphenyl-2-yl Oxide Preservative Halal, if no alcohol is used as a solvent
E233 2-(Thiazol-4-yl) Benzimidazole Preservative Halal, if no alcohol is used as a solvent
E239 Hexamine Preservative - other Halal
E249 Potassium Nitrate Preservative Halal
E250 Sodium Nitrite Preservative Halal
E251 Sodium Nitrate Preservative Halal
E252 Potassium Nitrate(Saltpetre) Preservative Halal
E260 Acetic Acid Miscellaneous - Acids Halal
E261 Potassium Acetate Miscellaneous - Acids Halal
E262 Potassium Hydrogen Diacetate Miscellaneous - Acids Halal
E263 Calcium Acetate Miscellaneous - Acids Halal
E270 Lactic Acid Miscellaneous - Acids Halal if obtained other than whey. In USA it is always from non dairy source.
E280 Propionic Acid Preservative - Acids Halal
E281 Sodium Propionate Preservative- Acids Halal
E282 Calcium Propionate Preservative- Acids Halal if calcium obtained from mineral, Mushbooh if it obtained from bones
E283 Potassium Propionate Preservative- Acids Halal
E290 Carbon Dioxide Miscellaneous Halal
E300 L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Antioxidants- Vitamin C Halal
E301 Sodium-L-Ascorbate Antioxidants- Vitamin C and derivatives Halal
E302 Calcium-L-Ascorbate Antioxidants- Vitamin C and derivatives Halal, if the calcium source is from mineral, Mushbooh if it is from bones
E304 Ascorbyl Palmitate Antioxidants- Vitamin C and derivatives Halal if saturated fatty acid Palmitic acid is obtained from plant. Haraam if palmitic acid is obtained from pork fat
E306 Natural Extracts rich in Tocopherols Antioxidants- Vitamin E Halal If Tocopherol is obtained from plant fat. Haraam if Tocopherol is obtained from pork fat
E307 Synthetic Alpha-Tocopherol Antioxidants- Vitamin E Halal only if it is made with all Halal synthetic material without alcoholic fermentation synthetic method
E308 Synthetic Gamma-Tocopherol Antioxidants- Vitamin E Halal only if it is made with all Halal synthetic material without alcoholic fermentation synthetic method
E309 Synthetic Delta-Tocopherol Antioxidants- Vitamin E Halal only if it is made with all Halal synthetic material without alcoholic fermentation synthetic method
E310 Propyl Gallate Antioxidants- other Halal
E311 Octyl Gallate Antioxidants- other Halal if obtained from nutgalls or plant secretion
E312 Dodecyl Gallate Antioxidants- other Halal if obtained from nutgalls or plant secretion. Haraam if alcohol was used as solvent
E320 Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) Antioxidants- other Halal if only vegetable oil is used as a carrier. Haraam if the carrier is from pork fat. It is not available as pure 100% chemical.
E321 Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) Antioxidants- other Halal if only vegetable oil is used as a carrier. Haraam if the carrier is from pork fat. It is not available as pure 100% chemical.
E322 Lecithin Emulsifiers and Stabilizers Halal if obtained from soy fat or egg yolk in Europe. It is Halal in USA because it is always obtained from soy fat.
E325 Sodium Lactate Miscellaneous - Salts of Lactic Acid Halal if the lactic acid from non dairy source
E326 Potassium Lactate Miscellaneous - Salts of Lactic Acid Halal if the lactic acid from non dairy source
E327 Calcium Lactate Miscellaneous - Salts of Lactic Acid Halal if the lactic acid from non dairy source and calcium from mineral
E330 Citric Acid Miscellaneous - Citric Acid and its Salts Halal
E331 Sodium Citrates Miscellaneous - Citric Acid and its Salts Halal
E332 Potassium Citrates Miscellaneous - Citric Acid and its Salts Halal
E333 Calcium Citrates Miscellaneous - Citric Acid and its Salts Halal if calcium source is not from bones
E334 Tartaric Acid Miscellaneous - Tartaric Acid and its Salts Halal, if it is not obtained from wine by-product, in USA it is Halal because it is obtained from un-fermented grapes.
E335 Sodium Tartrates Miscellaneous - Tartaric Acid and its Salts Halal, if it is not obtained from wine by-product, in USA it is Halal because it is obtained from un-fermented grapes.
E336 Potassium Tartrates (Cream of Tartar) Miscellaneous - Tartaric Acid and its Salts Halal, if it is not obtained from wine by-product, in USA it is Halal because it is obtained from un-fermented grapes.
E337 Potassium Sodium Tartrates Miscellaneous - Tartaric Acid and its Salts Halal, if it is not obtained from wine by-product, in USA it is Halal because it is obtained from un-fermented grapes.
E338 Orthophosphoric Acid Miscellaneous - Phosphoric Acid and its Salts Halal
E339 Sodium Phosphates Miscellaneous - Phosphoric Acid and its Salts Halal
E340 Potassium Phosphates Miscellaneous - Phosphoric Acid and its Salts Halal
E341 Calcium Phosphates Miscellaneous - Phosphoric Acid and its Salts Halal if calcium from mineral source
E400 Alginic Acid Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E401 Sodium Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E402 Potassium Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E403 Ammonium Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E404 Calcium Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal if calcium source is from mineral
E405 Propane-1,2-Diol Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E406 Agar Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E407 Carrageenan Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E410 Locust Bean Gum (Carob Gum) Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E412 Guar Gum Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E413 Tragacanth Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal.
E414 Gum Acacia (Gum Arabic) Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E415 Xanthan Gum Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E420 Sorbitol Sugar Alcohols Halal
E421 Mannitol Sugar Alcohols Halal
E422 Glycerol Sugar Alcohols Mushbooh, called Glycerin in USA, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E440a Pectin Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Pectin and derivatives Halal
E440b Amidated Pectin Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Pectin and derivatives Halal
E450a,b,c Sodium and Potassium Phosphates and Polyphosphates Miscellaneous Halal
E460 Microcrystalline / Powdered Cellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E461 Methylcellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E463 Hydroxypropylcellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E464 Hydroxypropyl-Methylcellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E465 Ethylmethylcellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E466 Carboxymethylcellulose, Sodium Salt Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E470 Sodium, Potassium and Calcium Salts of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from porkl fat
E471 Mono-and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from porkl fat
E472 Various Esters of Mono-and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from porkl fat
E473 Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E474 Sucroglycerides Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E475 Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E477 Propane-1,2-Diol Esters of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E481 Sodium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E482 Calcium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E483 Stearyl Tartrate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
107 Yellow 2G Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
128 Red 2G Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
133 Brilliant Blue FCF Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
154 Brown FK Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
155 Brown HT Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
234 Nisin Preservative - other Halal
262 Sodium Acetate Miscellaneous - Acids and their Salts Halal
296 Malic Acid Miscellaneous - Acids and their Salts Halal
297 Fumaric Acid Miscellaneous - Acids and their Salts Halal
350 Sodium Malate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
351 Potassium Malate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
352 Calcium Malate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
353 Metataric Acid Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
355 Adipic Acid Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
363 Succinic Acid Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
370 1,4-Heptonolactane Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
375 Nicotinic Acid Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
380 Triammonium Citrate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
381 Ammonium Ferric Citrate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
385 Calcium Disodium EDTA Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
416 Karaya Gum Emulsifiers and Stabilizers Halal
430 Polyoxyethane (8) Stearate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
431 Polyoxyethane (40) Stearate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
432 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan / Polysorbate 20 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
433 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan Mono-oleate / Polysorbate 80 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
434 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan Monopalmitate / Polysorbate 40 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
435 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan Monostearate / Polysorbate 60 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
436 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan Tristearate / Polysorbate 65 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
476 Polyglycerol Esters of Polycondensed Esters of Caster Oil Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
478 Lactylated Fatty Acid Esters of Glycerol and Propane-1,2-Diol Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
491 Sorbitan Monostearate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
492 Sorbitan Tristearate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
493 Sorbitan Monolaurate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
494 Sorbitan Mono-oleate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
495 Sorbitan Monopalmitate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
500 Sodium Carbonate / Sodium Bicarbonate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Carbonates Halal
501 Potassium Carbonate / Potassium Bicarbonate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Carbonates Halal
503 Ammonium Carbonate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Carbonates Halal
504 Magnesium Carbonate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Carbonates Halal
507 Hydrochloric Acid Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Hydrochloric Acid and its Salts Halal
508 Potassium Chloride Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Hydrochloric Acid and its Salts Halal
509 Calcium Chloride Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Hydrochloric Acid and its Salts Halal
510 Ammonium Chloride Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Hydrochloric Acid and its Salts Halal
513 Sulphuric Acid Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
514 Sodium Sulphate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
515 Potassium Sulphate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
516 Calcium Sulphate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
518 Magnesium Sulphate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
524 Sodium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
525 Potassium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
526 Calcium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
527 Ammonium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
528 Magnesium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
529 Calcium Oxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
530 Magnesium Oxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
535 Sodium Ferrocyanide Miscellaneous - other Salts Halal
536 Potassium Ferrocyanide Miscellaneous - other Salts Halal
540 Dicalcium Ferrocyanide Miscellaneous - other Salts Halal
541 Sodium Aluminium Phosphate Miscellaneous - other Salts Halal
542 Edible Bone Phosphate (Bone-Meal) Miscellaneous - Anti-Caking Agents Haraam if the bones from pig
544 Calcium Polyphosphates Miscellaneous - Anti-Caking Agents Mushbooh, Halal if it is from minerals, Haraam if it is from pig bones
545 Ammonium Polyphosphates Miscellaneous - Anti-Caking Agents Halal
551 Silicon Dioxide (Silica Salt) Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Halal
552 Calcium Silicate Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Halal
553 Magnesium Silicate / Magnesium Trisilicate (Talc) Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Halal
554 Aluminium Sodium Silicate Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Halal
556 Aluminium Calcium Silicate Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Mushbooh, Halal if calcium from mineral rocks, Haraam if calcium from pig bones
558 Bentonite Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
559 Kaolin (Aluminium Silicate) Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
570 Stearic Acid Miscellaneous - other compounds Mushbooh, Halal if the source is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
572 Magnesium Stearate Miscellaneous - other compounds Mushbooh, Halal if the source is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
575 Glucono Delta-Lactone Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
576 Sodium Gluconate Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
577 Potassium Gluconate Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
578 Calcium Gluconate Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
620 L-Glutamic Acid Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant protein, Haraam if it is from pig protein
621 Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, Halal if all ingredients including culture media to grow culture from Halal source, Haraam if media is from pork fat
622 Monopotassium Glutamate Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, Halal if all ingredients including culture media to grow culture from Halal source, Haraam if media is from pork fat
623 Calcium Glutamate Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, Halal if all ingredients including culture media to grow culture from Halal source, Haraam if media is from pork fat
627 Sodium Guanylate Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal if it is obtained from sardines or baker's yeast extract. Mushbooh if it is made from brewer yeast extract, a by-product of beer making
631 Sodium Inosinate Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal if it is obtained from sardines. Mushbooh if it is made from brewer yeast extract, a by-product of beer making. Haraam if it is extracted from pig meat.
635 Sodium5-Ribonucleotide Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, it is a combination of E N 627 and EN 631
636 Maltol Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal
637 Ethyl Maltol Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal
900 Dimethylpolysiloxane Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal
901 Beeswax Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Halal
903 Carnauba Wax Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Halal
904 Shellac Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Halal if no if it is not treated with alcohol, two types of shellac is available, the Halal type is not treated with alcohol but other type is treated with alcohol. A gummy secretion material from the pores of a insect Coccus lacca that feed on Palas trees in India and South Asia. This gummy material is called Lac. Manufactured by Indian companies.
905 Mineral Hydrocarbons Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Halal
907 Refined Microcrystalline Wax Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Mushbooh, Halal if obtained from plant fat wax. Haraam if it is obtained from pork fat wax
920 L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Mushbooh, Haraam if it is obtained from human hair, Halal if it is made from Halal synthetic material. The third source is from chicken/duck feathers. There is difference of opinions among different Islamic scholars. One school of ulema says it is Halal the other says not Halal.
924 Potassium Bromate Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Halal
925 Chlorine Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Halal
926 Chlorine Dioxide Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Halal
927 Azodicarbonamide Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Halal
E-Numbers represent specific food additives, used by the food industry in the manufacture of various food products. These E-Numbers have been formulated by the European Economic Community (EEC) and are universally adopted by the food industry worldwide.
It is known that many E-numbers contain unlisted haraam ingredients in them. Generally additives derived from animals and insects.
E-numbers are reference numbers used by the European Union to facilitate identification of food additives. All food additives used in the European Union are identified by an E-number. The "E" stands for "Europe" or "European Union". Normally each food additive is assigned a unique number, though occasionally, related additives are given an extension ("a", "b", or "i", "ii") to another E-number.
The Commission of the European Union assigns e-numbers after the additive is cleared by the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF), the body responsible for the safety evaluation of food additives in the European Union. The convention for assigning E-numbers is:
100-199 food colors
200-299 preservatives
300-399 antioxidants, phosphates, and complexing agents
400-499 thickeners, gelling agents, phosphates, humectants, emulsifiers
500-599 salts and related compounds
600-699 flavor enhancers
700-899 not used for food additives (used for feed additives)
900-999 surface coating agents, gases, sweeteners
1000-1399 miscellaneous additive
1400-1499 starch derivatives
E-numbers are only used for substances added directly to food products, so contaminants, enzymes and processing aids, which may be classified as additives in the USA, are not included in the E-number system.
There is an EU directive on food labeling which requires food additives to be listed in the product ingredients whenever they are added for technological purposes. This includes coloring, sweetening and favor enhancement as well as for preservation, thickening, emulsifying and the like. Ingredients must be listed in descending order of weight, which means that are generally found close to the end of the list of ingredients. However, substances used in the protection of plants and plant products, flavorings and substances added as nutrients (e.g., minerals, trace elements or vitamins) do not need to be included in the ingredient list. Because of this, some substances that are regulated as food additives in other countries may be exempt from the food additive definition in the EU.
Additives which are ALWAYS of animal origin, such as (HARAAM):
* E120 Cochineal : a red colour obtained from female insects
* E441 Gelatine : derived from the bones and/ or hides of cattle and/ or pigs
* E542 Edible Bone Phosphate : an extract from animal bones
* E904 Shellac : a resin from the lac insect
Whilst some additives with a common code such as E47, can be either of animal or plant origin and this latter type needs to be investigated on a case-by-case basis per product/ manufacturer.
The main additives you need to be aware of are:
* Glycerol / Glycerin / Glycerine (E422) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources.
* Emulsifiers (E470 to E483) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal sources.
* Edible Bone Phosphate (E542) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources.
-Number Name Description Halal Status
E100 Curcumin/Turmeric Color Halal if pure grind turmeric powder or granular. Mushbooh if used as liquid, the solvents has to be Halal. Haraam if hidden ingredient is pork fat based emulsifier in dry mix.
E101 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Color Mushbooh (Haraam if from pork liver & Kidney, Halal if 100% plant material
E102 Tartrazine Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E104 Quinoline Yellow Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent other than water has to be Halal
E110 Sunset Yellow FCF / Orange Yellow S Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E120 Cochineal / Carminic Acid Color Haraam according to Hanafi Fiqqah
E122 Carmoisine / Azorubine Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E123 Amaranth Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E124 Ponceau 4R / Cochineal Red A Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E127 Erythrosine BS Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E131 Patent Blue V Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E132 Indigo Carmine / Idigotine Color Halal if use as is as a 100% synthetic color but if pork glycerin is added as a solvent then it is Haraam
E140 Chlorophyll Color Halal if use 100% powder or Halal if water or vegetable oil was used as a solvent
E141 Copper Complex of Chlorophyll Color Halal if use 100% powder or Halal if water or vegetable oil was used as a solvent
E142 Green S / Acid Brilliant Green BS Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E150(a-d) Caramel Color/with chemicals Color Halal
E151 Black PN / Brilliant Black BN Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E153 Carbon Black / Vegetable Carbon (Charcoal) Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E160a Alpha, Beta, Gamma Color - Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E160b Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin Color - Carotene Halal
E160c Capsanthin / Capsorbin Color- Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E160d Lycopene Color - Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E160e Beta-apo-8-carotenal Color - Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry powder or granular or Halal if vegetable oil is used as a solvent in liquid form as a hidden ingredient. Haraam if pork gelatin is used as hidden ingredient or carrier
E160f Ethyl ester of Beta-apo-8-cartonoic acid Color - Carotene Halal if used as 100% dry powder or granular or Halal if vegetable oil is used as a solvent in liquid form as a hidden ingredient. Haraam if pork gelatin is used as hidden ingredient or carrier
E161a Flavoxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161b Lutein Color Halal if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if pork gelatin or pork glycerin is added in dry or liquid form
E161c Cryptoxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161d Rubixanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161e Violaxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161f Rhodoxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E161g Canthaxanthin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E162 Beetroot Red / Betanin Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E163 Anthocyanins Color Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E170 Calcium Carbonate (Chalk) Color - Inorganic Halal if obtained from rock mineral and used as 100% dry powder or granular. Mushbooh if used as liquid, solvent has to be Halal
E171 Titanium Dioxide Color - Inorganic Halal
E172 Iron Oxides and Hydroxides Color - Inorganic Halal
E173 Aluminium Color - Inorganic Halal
E174 Silver Color - Inorganic Halal
E175 Gold Color - Inorganic Halal
E180 Pigment Rubine / Lithol Rubine BK Color - Inorganic Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
E200 Sorbic Acid Preservative Halal
E201 Soduim Sorbate Preservative Halal
E202 Potassium Sorbate Preservative Halal
E203 Calcium Sorbate Preservative Halal
E210 Benzoic Acid Preservative Halal
E211 Sodium Benzoate Preservative Halal
E212 Potassium Benzoate Preservative Halal
E213 Calcium Benzoate Preservative Halal, if calcium obtained from mineral, Mushbooh if it is obtained from bones.
E214 Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E215 Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, Sodium Salt Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E216 Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E217 Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, Sodium Salt Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E218 Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E219 Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, Sodium Salt Preservative Halal, if used as 100% dry powder or granular. Haraam if alcohol is used as a solvent
E220 Sulphur Dioxide Preservative Halal
E221 Sodium Sulphite Preservative Halal
E222 Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite Preservative Halal
E223 Sodium Metabisulphite Preservative Halal
E224 Potassium Metabisulphite Preservative Halal
E226 Calcium Sulphite Preservative Halal
E227 Calcium Hydrogen Sulphite Preservative Halal, if calcium is obtained from mineral or chemicals. Mushbooh if it is obtained from bones.
E230 Biphenyl / Diphenyl Preservative Halal, if no alcohol is used as a solvent
E231 2-Hydroxybiphenyl Preservative Halal, if no alcohol is used as a solvent
E232 Sodium Biphenyl-2-yl Oxide Preservative Halal, if no alcohol is used as a solvent
E233 2-(Thiazol-4-yl) Benzimidazole Preservative Halal, if no alcohol is used as a solvent
E239 Hexamine Preservative - other Halal
E249 Potassium Nitrate Preservative Halal
E250 Sodium Nitrite Preservative Halal
E251 Sodium Nitrate Preservative Halal
E252 Potassium Nitrate(Saltpetre) Preservative Halal
E260 Acetic Acid Miscellaneous - Acids Halal
E261 Potassium Acetate Miscellaneous - Acids Halal
E262 Potassium Hydrogen Diacetate Miscellaneous - Acids Halal
E263 Calcium Acetate Miscellaneous - Acids Halal
E270 Lactic Acid Miscellaneous - Acids Halal if obtained other than whey. In USA it is always from non dairy source.
E280 Propionic Acid Preservative - Acids Halal
E281 Sodium Propionate Preservative- Acids Halal
E282 Calcium Propionate Preservative- Acids Halal if calcium obtained from mineral, Mushbooh if it obtained from bones
E283 Potassium Propionate Preservative- Acids Halal
E290 Carbon Dioxide Miscellaneous Halal
E300 L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Antioxidants- Vitamin C Halal
E301 Sodium-L-Ascorbate Antioxidants- Vitamin C and derivatives Halal
E302 Calcium-L-Ascorbate Antioxidants- Vitamin C and derivatives Halal, if the calcium source is from mineral, Mushbooh if it is from bones
E304 Ascorbyl Palmitate Antioxidants- Vitamin C and derivatives Halal if saturated fatty acid Palmitic acid is obtained from plant. Haraam if palmitic acid is obtained from pork fat
E306 Natural Extracts rich in Tocopherols Antioxidants- Vitamin E Halal If Tocopherol is obtained from plant fat. Haraam if Tocopherol is obtained from pork fat
E307 Synthetic Alpha-Tocopherol Antioxidants- Vitamin E Halal only if it is made with all Halal synthetic material without alcoholic fermentation synthetic method
E308 Synthetic Gamma-Tocopherol Antioxidants- Vitamin E Halal only if it is made with all Halal synthetic material without alcoholic fermentation synthetic method
E309 Synthetic Delta-Tocopherol Antioxidants- Vitamin E Halal only if it is made with all Halal synthetic material without alcoholic fermentation synthetic method
E310 Propyl Gallate Antioxidants- other Halal
E311 Octyl Gallate Antioxidants- other Halal if obtained from nutgalls or plant secretion
E312 Dodecyl Gallate Antioxidants- other Halal if obtained from nutgalls or plant secretion. Haraam if alcohol was used as solvent
E320 Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) Antioxidants- other Halal if only vegetable oil is used as a carrier. Haraam if the carrier is from pork fat. It is not available as pure 100% chemical.
E321 Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) Antioxidants- other Halal if only vegetable oil is used as a carrier. Haraam if the carrier is from pork fat. It is not available as pure 100% chemical.
E322 Lecithin Emulsifiers and Stabilizers Halal if obtained from soy fat or egg yolk in Europe. It is Halal in USA because it is always obtained from soy fat.
E325 Sodium Lactate Miscellaneous - Salts of Lactic Acid Halal if the lactic acid from non dairy source
E326 Potassium Lactate Miscellaneous - Salts of Lactic Acid Halal if the lactic acid from non dairy source
E327 Calcium Lactate Miscellaneous - Salts of Lactic Acid Halal if the lactic acid from non dairy source and calcium from mineral
E330 Citric Acid Miscellaneous - Citric Acid and its Salts Halal
E331 Sodium Citrates Miscellaneous - Citric Acid and its Salts Halal
E332 Potassium Citrates Miscellaneous - Citric Acid and its Salts Halal
E333 Calcium Citrates Miscellaneous - Citric Acid and its Salts Halal if calcium source is not from bones
E334 Tartaric Acid Miscellaneous - Tartaric Acid and its Salts Halal, if it is not obtained from wine by-product, in USA it is Halal because it is obtained from un-fermented grapes.
E335 Sodium Tartrates Miscellaneous - Tartaric Acid and its Salts Halal, if it is not obtained from wine by-product, in USA it is Halal because it is obtained from un-fermented grapes.
E336 Potassium Tartrates (Cream of Tartar) Miscellaneous - Tartaric Acid and its Salts Halal, if it is not obtained from wine by-product, in USA it is Halal because it is obtained from un-fermented grapes.
E337 Potassium Sodium Tartrates Miscellaneous - Tartaric Acid and its Salts Halal, if it is not obtained from wine by-product, in USA it is Halal because it is obtained from un-fermented grapes.
E338 Orthophosphoric Acid Miscellaneous - Phosphoric Acid and its Salts Halal
E339 Sodium Phosphates Miscellaneous - Phosphoric Acid and its Salts Halal
E340 Potassium Phosphates Miscellaneous - Phosphoric Acid and its Salts Halal
E341 Calcium Phosphates Miscellaneous - Phosphoric Acid and its Salts Halal if calcium from mineral source
E400 Alginic Acid Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E401 Sodium Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E402 Potassium Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E403 Ammonium Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E404 Calcium Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal if calcium source is from mineral
E405 Propane-1,2-Diol Alginate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Alginates Halal
E406 Agar Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E407 Carrageenan Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E410 Locust Bean Gum (Carob Gum) Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E412 Guar Gum Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E413 Tragacanth Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal.
E414 Gum Acacia (Gum Arabic) Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E415 Xanthan Gum Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - other plant gums Halal
E420 Sorbitol Sugar Alcohols Halal
E421 Mannitol Sugar Alcohols Halal
E422 Glycerol Sugar Alcohols Mushbooh, called Glycerin in USA, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E440a Pectin Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Pectin and derivatives Halal
E440b Amidated Pectin Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Pectin and derivatives Halal
E450a,b,c Sodium and Potassium Phosphates and Polyphosphates Miscellaneous Halal
E460 Microcrystalline / Powdered Cellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E461 Methylcellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E463 Hydroxypropylcellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E464 Hydroxypropyl-Methylcellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E465 Ethylmethylcellulose Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E466 Carboxymethylcellulose, Sodium Salt Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Cellulose and derivatives Halal
E470 Sodium, Potassium and Calcium Salts of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from porkl fat
E471 Mono-and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from porkl fat
E472 Various Esters of Mono-and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from porkl fat
E473 Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E474 Sucroglycerides Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E475 Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E477 Propane-1,2-Diol Esters of Fatty Acids Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E481 Sodium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E482 Calcium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
E483 Stearyl Tartrate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
107 Yellow 2G Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
128 Red 2G Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
133 Brilliant Blue FCF Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
154 Brown FK Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
155 Brown HT Colors Halal if used as 100% dry color. Mushbooh if used as liquid color, the solvent has to be Halal
234 Nisin Preservative - other Halal
262 Sodium Acetate Miscellaneous - Acids and their Salts Halal
296 Malic Acid Miscellaneous - Acids and their Salts Halal
297 Fumaric Acid Miscellaneous - Acids and their Salts Halal
350 Sodium Malate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
351 Potassium Malate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
352 Calcium Malate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
353 Metataric Acid Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
355 Adipic Acid Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
363 Succinic Acid Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
370 1,4-Heptonolactane Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
375 Nicotinic Acid Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
380 Triammonium Citrate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
381 Ammonium Ferric Citrate Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
385 Calcium Disodium EDTA Miscellaneous - Salts of Malic Acid Halal
416 Karaya Gum Emulsifiers and Stabilizers Halal
430 Polyoxyethane (8) Stearate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
431 Polyoxyethane (40) Stearate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
432 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan / Polysorbate 20 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
433 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan Mono-oleate / Polysorbate 80 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
434 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan Monopalmitate / Polysorbate 40 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
435 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan Monostearate / Polysorbate 60 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
436 Polyoxyethane (20) Sorbitan Tristearate / Polysorbate 65 Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - Fatty Acid derivatives Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
476 Polyglycerol Esters of Polycondensed Esters of Caster Oil Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
478 Lactylated Fatty Acid Esters of Glycerol and Propane-1,2-Diol Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
491 Sorbitan Monostearate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
492 Sorbitan Tristearate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
493 Sorbitan Monolaurate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
494 Sorbitan Mono-oleate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
495 Sorbitan Monopalmitate Emulsifiers and Stabilizers - salts or Esters of Fatty Acids Halal if it is 100% from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
500 Sodium Carbonate / Sodium Bicarbonate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Carbonates Halal
501 Potassium Carbonate / Potassium Bicarbonate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Carbonates Halal
503 Ammonium Carbonate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Carbonates Halal
504 Magnesium Carbonate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Carbonates Halal
507 Hydrochloric Acid Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Hydrochloric Acid and its Salts Halal
508 Potassium Chloride Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Hydrochloric Acid and its Salts Halal
509 Calcium Chloride Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Hydrochloric Acid and its Salts Halal
510 Ammonium Chloride Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Hydrochloric Acid and its Salts Halal
513 Sulphuric Acid Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
514 Sodium Sulphate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
515 Potassium Sulphate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
516 Calcium Sulphate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
518 Magnesium Sulphate Miscellaneous - Acids and Salts: Sulphuric Acid and its Salts Halal
524 Sodium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
525 Potassium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
526 Calcium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
527 Ammonium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
528 Magnesium Hydroxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
529 Calcium Oxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
530 Magnesium Oxide Miscellaneous - Alkalis Halal
535 Sodium Ferrocyanide Miscellaneous - other Salts Halal
536 Potassium Ferrocyanide Miscellaneous - other Salts Halal
540 Dicalcium Ferrocyanide Miscellaneous - other Salts Halal
541 Sodium Aluminium Phosphate Miscellaneous - other Salts Halal
542 Edible Bone Phosphate (Bone-Meal) Miscellaneous - Anti-Caking Agents Haraam if the bones from pig
544 Calcium Polyphosphates Miscellaneous - Anti-Caking Agents Mushbooh, Halal if it is from minerals, Haraam if it is from pig bones
545 Ammonium Polyphosphates Miscellaneous - Anti-Caking Agents Halal
551 Silicon Dioxide (Silica Salt) Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Halal
552 Calcium Silicate Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Halal
553 Magnesium Silicate / Magnesium Trisilicate (Talc) Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Halal
554 Aluminium Sodium Silicate Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Halal
556 Aluminium Calcium Silicate Miscellaneous - Silicon Salts Mushbooh, Halal if calcium from mineral rocks, Haraam if calcium from pig bones
558 Bentonite Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
559 Kaolin (Aluminium Silicate) Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
570 Stearic Acid Miscellaneous - other compounds Mushbooh, Halal if the source is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
572 Magnesium Stearate Miscellaneous - other compounds Mushbooh, Halal if the source is from plant fat, Haraam if it is from pork fat
575 Glucono Delta-Lactone Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
576 Sodium Gluconate Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
577 Potassium Gluconate Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
578 Calcium Gluconate Miscellaneous - other compounds Halal
620 L-Glutamic Acid Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, Halal if it is from plant protein, Haraam if it is from pig protein
621 Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, Halal if all ingredients including culture media to grow culture from Halal source, Haraam if media is from pork fat
622 Monopotassium Glutamate Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, Halal if all ingredients including culture media to grow culture from Halal source, Haraam if media is from pork fat
623 Calcium Glutamate Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, Halal if all ingredients including culture media to grow culture from Halal source, Haraam if media is from pork fat
627 Sodium Guanylate Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal if it is obtained from sardines or baker's yeast extract. Mushbooh if it is made from brewer yeast extract, a by-product of beer making
631 Sodium Inosinate Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal if it is obtained from sardines. Mushbooh if it is made from brewer yeast extract, a by-product of beer making. Haraam if it is extracted from pig meat.
635 Sodium5-Ribonucleotide Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Mushbooh, it is a combination of E N 627 and EN 631
636 Maltol Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal
637 Ethyl Maltol Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal
900 Dimethylpolysiloxane Miscellaneous - Flavour Enhancers Halal
901 Beeswax Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Halal
903 Carnauba Wax Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Halal
904 Shellac Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Halal if no if it is not treated with alcohol, two types of shellac is available, the Halal type is not treated with alcohol but other type is treated with alcohol. A gummy secretion material from the pores of a insect Coccus lacca that feed on Palas trees in India and South Asia. This gummy material is called Lac. Manufactured by Indian companies.
905 Mineral Hydrocarbons Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Halal
907 Refined Microcrystalline Wax Miscellaneous - Glazing Agents Mushbooh, Halal if obtained from plant fat wax. Haraam if it is obtained from pork fat wax
920 L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Mushbooh, Haraam if it is obtained from human hair, Halal if it is made from Halal synthetic material. The third source is from chicken/duck feathers. There is difference of opinions among different Islamic scholars. One school of ulema says it is Halal the other says not Halal.
924 Potassium Bromate Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Halal
925 Chlorine Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Halal
926 Chlorine Dioxide Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Halal
927 Azodicarbonamide Miscellaneous - Compounds used to treat Flour Halal
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Pulau Langkawi
The Langkawi archipelago is made up of a cluster of 99 islands, sprinkled just off the shores of the Northern Kedah State in Peninsular Malaysia. During low tide, the number of islands expands to 104. It's understandable that only a few islands are inhabited. Many of the islands are little more than rocky outcrops separated by narrow canals where only sampans(little boats) can travel through. Langkawi island (478.5 sq.km) is the largest of them all and is not much smaller than Singapore (646 sq.km) but has a much smaller island population of only 62,000.
Pulau Langkawi's landscape is painted with marbled mountains, vast paddy fields and rural villages, miles and miles of white sandy beaches, secret caves, and pockets of virgin rainforests dating back millions of years .
Although tourism is the main industry for the people of Langkawi and has been for the past decade or so, the sea remains a healthy source of income for local fishermen. In pockets of local fishing communities one can still find the age-old cottage industry of harvesting, drying and processing of sea cucumbers into a balsamic oil for all sorts of minor ailment.
Langkawi's Legends and Hotspots
Centuries ago skilled storytellers on the mainland made a living from spinning wondrous, spectacular tales of folklore, history, myths and legends of celestial beings, demons, warriors and wars, giants, beautiful maidens and gallant heroes. Langkawi was inaccessible to local folks in those days. The Langkawi islands were infested with pirates living and feasting on boats and travellers who chose to sail in their waters. Not many locals ventured to the islands and soon stories abound of these mysterious islands. The myths are still woven strongly into the lifestyle of the local people.
The family feud - Gunung Raya, Guning Mat Cincang& Kuah Town
The various peaks on the island such as Gunung Raya,(the highest mount on the island), Gunung Mat Cincang, Bukit Sewar, Belaga Pecah and Telaga Air Hangat, were named according to the incidents which transpired as a result of a family feud. These first three mountains were purported to be humans while Belaga Pecah(meaning broken pot) was believed to be the spot where a large pot containing gravy was spilt after the pot, used as a missile in the feud, broke there. A cauldron of boiling water was also used as a missile in the fight. The spot where it landed became a series of Hot Springs gushing into the air, giving rise to the name Telaga Air Hangat (meaning hot well water).
Today, Gunung Raya is accessible by road - all the way to the top. Perched on top like the eagle's nest, is an impressive fortress-like building, which is strictly for government officials only and is out of bounds to public. However, the view from the peak is great for sunset photos. There is also a resort located at the peak for those seeking retreat.
Gunung Raya itself is home to the white-bellied sea eagle - circling high round the mountaintop. The hornbills also make their home in the forested area of Gunung Raya. When the road was built, much of the flora was disturbed thus reducing their feeding area. Perhaps due to this, it is far easier now to spot them as they have to fly a greater distance for food. (no good for the jungle inhabitants, although reported to be good for tourists!). If you're driving up the mountain, a charge of 50sen per car is collected at a makeshift toll located at the base of the mount.
Gunung Mat Cincang is open to the public and its peak can be reached via a Cable Car ride all the way up from its base at the Oriental Village. The rides are available from 10.00am till 8.00pm and the fare is RM15 for adults; RM5 for children. Any more information required, call: 04- 959 4225. From the cable car, visitors have a fine view of Langkawi island and beyond. The Telaga Tujuh Waterfall can be seen in full view on the way to the peak. A 7-tiered waterfall, the Telaga Tujuh is a favourite stop for tourists.
Oriental Village - Cable Car Station
The island has taken over Penang Island's duty free status providing shoppers with some pretty good deals on local and foreign products. Many visit Langkawi for its duty-free shopping : for local visitors; products worth purchasing are alcohol and cigarettes; for many foreign guests, electrical goods, handicraft and certain branded goods especially leathergoods and casual attire are well worth a look around. Oriental Village...a stone's throw from the Burau Bay Resort at Pantai Kok, is also where the cable car station is located. One word of advise on duty free though... if you wish to cash in on duty free alcohol and spirits, it's best to purchase this prior to departure at shops in town or at the beaches and places like Oriental Village . The airport duty free shops may price the same items higher.
Don't be misled by the name, Oriental Village is not really a living, breathing traditional local village. The place seems to have been established more specifically to house speciality shops and food outlets rather than an expression of the true local village flavour.
Kuah, Langkawi's main town and port where ferries from the mainland and Penang anchor. Numerous duty free shops have sprouted and many new hotels and chalets with prices to suit everyone's budget have been constructed. The main Tourist Information Centre is located a distance away from the ferry jetty, heading towards town. The centre closes at about 4.30pm. However, if you're looking for quieter beaches to park yourself, then grab a taxi and head off to Pantai Cenang, Pantai Kok and the other more secluded areas in the Northern end. A well maintained road runs around the island. Although bus routes are limited on the island, taxis are aplenty and not too expensive. The more adventurous could try bicycles, motorbikes or car available for hire .
Makam Mahsuri
The most famous of Langkawi legends is the Curse of Mahsuri. Mahsuri was a beautiful maiden of Muslim Siamese descent. As with admiration in some, there will always be jealousy in others. Mahsuri's mother-in-law was insanely jealous of her beauty and popularity. She took the opportunity one day to rid Mahsuri as she accused her of adultery during the absence of her husband who had gone off to war. Adultery by local law was a sin punishable by death. Mahsuri was executed in public. As she pleaded her innocence, the executioner plunged a 'keris' or dagger into her. To his surprise, Mahsuri's blood trickled white which signified that she was innocent.
Upon death, Mahsuri placed a curse on Langkawi and its people. For 7 generations, there was to be much tragedy and misfortune. Over years of warring with the Siamese and other natural disasters that befell the island, Langkawi was left to its own. It was said that at one time, buffaloes even outnumbered villagers . It was not until the 80's that the 7th generation passed and the curse was finally lifted.
Mahsuri's tomb is now encased in white marble, quarried from the hills of Langkawi - white symbolising her innocence. Nearby is a well, which Mahsuri used to wash and bathe. Photographs of her descendants are displayed on the board next to her grave.
The Field of Burnt Rice
Soon after Mahsuri's premature death, the formidable Siamese army made an attack on the island. In desperation, the chief ordered the granary to be burnt down to prevent the storage of rice from falling into Siamese hands. The remnants of burnt rice can still be seen at this spot known as the Field of Burnt Rice especially after a heavy downfall that washes out the odd blackened grain or so. The curse is believed to have been the cause of the island's lack of development which lasted until the birth in 1980 of Aishah Nawawi, a direct descendant of Mahsuri, the eighth generation.
The Langkawi archipelago is made up of a cluster of 99 islands, sprinkled just off the shores of the Northern Kedah State in Peninsular Malaysia. During low tide, the number of islands expands to 104. It's understandable that only a few islands are inhabited. Many of the islands are little more than rocky outcrops separated by narrow canals where only sampans(little boats) can travel through. Langkawi island (478.5 sq.km) is the largest of them all and is not much smaller than Singapore (646 sq.km) but has a much smaller island population of only 62,000.
Pulau Langkawi's landscape is painted with marbled mountains, vast paddy fields and rural villages, miles and miles of white sandy beaches, secret caves, and pockets of virgin rainforests dating back millions of years .
Although tourism is the main industry for the people of Langkawi and has been for the past decade or so, the sea remains a healthy source of income for local fishermen. In pockets of local fishing communities one can still find the age-old cottage industry of harvesting, drying and processing of sea cucumbers into a balsamic oil for all sorts of minor ailment.
Langkawi's Legends and Hotspots
Centuries ago skilled storytellers on the mainland made a living from spinning wondrous, spectacular tales of folklore, history, myths and legends of celestial beings, demons, warriors and wars, giants, beautiful maidens and gallant heroes. Langkawi was inaccessible to local folks in those days. The Langkawi islands were infested with pirates living and feasting on boats and travellers who chose to sail in their waters. Not many locals ventured to the islands and soon stories abound of these mysterious islands. The myths are still woven strongly into the lifestyle of the local people.
The family feud - Gunung Raya, Guning Mat Cincang& Kuah Town
The various peaks on the island such as Gunung Raya,(the highest mount on the island), Gunung Mat Cincang, Bukit Sewar, Belaga Pecah and Telaga Air Hangat, were named according to the incidents which transpired as a result of a family feud. These first three mountains were purported to be humans while Belaga Pecah(meaning broken pot) was believed to be the spot where a large pot containing gravy was spilt after the pot, used as a missile in the feud, broke there. A cauldron of boiling water was also used as a missile in the fight. The spot where it landed became a series of Hot Springs gushing into the air, giving rise to the name Telaga Air Hangat (meaning hot well water).
Today, Gunung Raya is accessible by road - all the way to the top. Perched on top like the eagle's nest, is an impressive fortress-like building, which is strictly for government officials only and is out of bounds to public. However, the view from the peak is great for sunset photos. There is also a resort located at the peak for those seeking retreat.
Gunung Raya itself is home to the white-bellied sea eagle - circling high round the mountaintop. The hornbills also make their home in the forested area of Gunung Raya. When the road was built, much of the flora was disturbed thus reducing their feeding area. Perhaps due to this, it is far easier now to spot them as they have to fly a greater distance for food. (no good for the jungle inhabitants, although reported to be good for tourists!). If you're driving up the mountain, a charge of 50sen per car is collected at a makeshift toll located at the base of the mount.
Gunung Mat Cincang is open to the public and its peak can be reached via a Cable Car ride all the way up from its base at the Oriental Village. The rides are available from 10.00am till 8.00pm and the fare is RM15 for adults; RM5 for children. Any more information required, call: 04- 959 4225. From the cable car, visitors have a fine view of Langkawi island and beyond. The Telaga Tujuh Waterfall can be seen in full view on the way to the peak. A 7-tiered waterfall, the Telaga Tujuh is a favourite stop for tourists.
Oriental Village - Cable Car Station
The island has taken over Penang Island's duty free status providing shoppers with some pretty good deals on local and foreign products. Many visit Langkawi for its duty-free shopping : for local visitors; products worth purchasing are alcohol and cigarettes; for many foreign guests, electrical goods, handicraft and certain branded goods especially leathergoods and casual attire are well worth a look around. Oriental Village...a stone's throw from the Burau Bay Resort at Pantai Kok, is also where the cable car station is located. One word of advise on duty free though... if you wish to cash in on duty free alcohol and spirits, it's best to purchase this prior to departure at shops in town or at the beaches and places like Oriental Village . The airport duty free shops may price the same items higher.
Don't be misled by the name, Oriental Village is not really a living, breathing traditional local village. The place seems to have been established more specifically to house speciality shops and food outlets rather than an expression of the true local village flavour.
Kuah, Langkawi's main town and port where ferries from the mainland and Penang anchor. Numerous duty free shops have sprouted and many new hotels and chalets with prices to suit everyone's budget have been constructed. The main Tourist Information Centre is located a distance away from the ferry jetty, heading towards town. The centre closes at about 4.30pm. However, if you're looking for quieter beaches to park yourself, then grab a taxi and head off to Pantai Cenang, Pantai Kok and the other more secluded areas in the Northern end. A well maintained road runs around the island. Although bus routes are limited on the island, taxis are aplenty and not too expensive. The more adventurous could try bicycles, motorbikes or car available for hire .
Makam Mahsuri
The most famous of Langkawi legends is the Curse of Mahsuri. Mahsuri was a beautiful maiden of Muslim Siamese descent. As with admiration in some, there will always be jealousy in others. Mahsuri's mother-in-law was insanely jealous of her beauty and popularity. She took the opportunity one day to rid Mahsuri as she accused her of adultery during the absence of her husband who had gone off to war. Adultery by local law was a sin punishable by death. Mahsuri was executed in public. As she pleaded her innocence, the executioner plunged a 'keris' or dagger into her. To his surprise, Mahsuri's blood trickled white which signified that she was innocent.
Upon death, Mahsuri placed a curse on Langkawi and its people. For 7 generations, there was to be much tragedy and misfortune. Over years of warring with the Siamese and other natural disasters that befell the island, Langkawi was left to its own. It was said that at one time, buffaloes even outnumbered villagers . It was not until the 80's that the 7th generation passed and the curse was finally lifted.
Mahsuri's tomb is now encased in white marble, quarried from the hills of Langkawi - white symbolising her innocence. Nearby is a well, which Mahsuri used to wash and bathe. Photographs of her descendants are displayed on the board next to her grave.
The Field of Burnt Rice
Soon after Mahsuri's premature death, the formidable Siamese army made an attack on the island. In desperation, the chief ordered the granary to be burnt down to prevent the storage of rice from falling into Siamese hands. The remnants of burnt rice can still be seen at this spot known as the Field of Burnt Rice especially after a heavy downfall that washes out the odd blackened grain or so. The curse is believed to have been the cause of the island's lack of development which lasted until the birth in 1980 of Aishah Nawawi, a direct descendant of Mahsuri, the eighth generation.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
For this type of job transfer request, follow the above guide, and also state why you need to request a transfer. In addition to selling your abilities,
o Really play up your commitment to the company, and your desire to remain with them
o Highlight achievements and skills that would be sorely lost
o Explain why you need to request a transfer
o Be appreciative of what the company has done for you
o Offer a plan for transition which includes training a new person for your position
Here's an example:
I am writing to respectfully request a transfer in location from [office A] to [office B]. A change in my personal circumstances necessitates this move. An illness in my family has made it necessary for me to relocate to [x]. Since I have been with this company for [x time], and have thoroughly enjoyed my employment here, I feel it is in the best interests of myself and of this company that I move operations, rather than leave the company altogether.
In my time here, you have known me to be a person who [list skills and attributes]. I would like to continue providing job excellence to this company, and hope that we are able to work together to find a solution that fits both of our needs.
I understand that this presents some difficulty for the current location, but I feel I can still be of service from this new location, and I am willing to work through [period of transition] to help train new personnel in my position.
I am very appreciative of my time here at [company], the experience has been very rewarding in many ways. I thank you for taking the time to consider my request and anxiously await your decision.
You should fee free to appeal to the human side of your employer, and be sure to include appropriate reasons why you are requesting a transfer; however, resist the urge to be plaintiff and keep this part of the request short - no one likes a whiner!!
The key in how to write a job transfer request that is effective is to balance your skills and assets with the needs of the company. Play up the angles that are open to you, but be careful not to come off as sounding presumptuous and arrogant; you want to be viewed as a valuable company asset, not a thorn in the side worth losing! In all job transfer requests, keep the focus on the company and its benefit as much as possible. Selling your invaluable self will surely get you the move you need!
o Really play up your commitment to the company, and your desire to remain with them
o Highlight achievements and skills that would be sorely lost
o Explain why you need to request a transfer
o Be appreciative of what the company has done for you
o Offer a plan for transition which includes training a new person for your position
Here's an example:
I am writing to respectfully request a transfer in location from [office A] to [office B]. A change in my personal circumstances necessitates this move. An illness in my family has made it necessary for me to relocate to [x]. Since I have been with this company for [x time], and have thoroughly enjoyed my employment here, I feel it is in the best interests of myself and of this company that I move operations, rather than leave the company altogether.
In my time here, you have known me to be a person who [list skills and attributes]. I would like to continue providing job excellence to this company, and hope that we are able to work together to find a solution that fits both of our needs.
I understand that this presents some difficulty for the current location, but I feel I can still be of service from this new location, and I am willing to work through [period of transition] to help train new personnel in my position.
I am very appreciative of my time here at [company], the experience has been very rewarding in many ways. I thank you for taking the time to consider my request and anxiously await your decision.
You should fee free to appeal to the human side of your employer, and be sure to include appropriate reasons why you are requesting a transfer; however, resist the urge to be plaintiff and keep this part of the request short - no one likes a whiner!!
The key in how to write a job transfer request that is effective is to balance your skills and assets with the needs of the company. Play up the angles that are open to you, but be careful not to come off as sounding presumptuous and arrogant; you want to be viewed as a valuable company asset, not a thorn in the side worth losing! In all job transfer requests, keep the focus on the company and its benefit as much as possible. Selling your invaluable self will surely get you the move you need!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tips Membeli Kereta Terpakai BADAN kereta yang cantik dan cat berkilat tidak semestinya kereta terpakai yang ingin anda beli itu dalam keadaan baik terutama bahagian enjin. Langkah pertama buka penutup depan untuk melihat enjinnya. Enjin kereta itu sepatutnya bersih, tetapi tidak semestinya sampai berkilat. Kemudian duduk di tempat duduk kereta itu dan cuba rasakan keselesaannya. Kereta yang anda pilih mestilah sesuai dan selesa untuk anda. Steringnya mestilah hanya dapat digerakkan dalam jarak dua inci pada keadaan biasa dan tidak ada sebarang bunyi apabila memusingkannya. Periksa penyelaras tempat duduk, kunci pintu, penaik cermin tingkap, hon, lampu, lampu isyarat, radio dan semua kelengkapan yang ada. Sesetengahnya mungkin tidak penting, tetapi ia mungkin dapat menunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana kereta itu dijaga. · SELEPAS itu hidupkan enjin. Ia sepatutnya hidup dengan cepat dan kemudian beransur-ansur perlahan. Biarkan selama satu atau dua saat sebelum anda menekan pedal minyak. Lihat asap yang keluar di belakang. Asap biru bermakna enjin dioverhaul sepenuhnya. Jika asap hitam bermakna karburatornya tidak sesuai. Asap putih tidak menandakan kecacatan apa-apa jika enjin dalam keadaan sejuk, tetapi jika enjin telah panas ini bermakna kepala gasket bocor. Ini memerlukan perbelanjaan yang besar. Oleh itu jangan beli kereta itu. Enjin yang kuat bergegar juga menunjukkan kereta itu tidak begitu baik untuk dibeli. Setelah enjin dipanaskan, matikan sekejap dan cuba anda sapu jari anda ke dalam ekzos (pastikan ekzos itu tidak panas). Keladaknya sepatutnya berwarna kelabu keputih-putihan. Jika ia berwarna hitam atau berminyak, ketepikan saja kereta itu. Hidupkan enjin semula dan periksa minyak di dalam transmision automatik. Ia mestilah bersih tanpa ada bau terbakar. · JURUJUAL mungkin cuba meyakinkan anda bahawa membuat uji pandu dalam jarak yang dekat seperti di sekitar sebuah bangunan sudah memadai. Ini tidak benar. Nyatakan kepadanya anda mahu membuat ujian jalan raya terhadap kereta itu. Jika jurujual itu tidak begitu berminat. Cari saja kereta di tempat lain. Jalan yang anda rancang untuk dilalui mestilah termasuk jalan kering, jalan yang lengang, jalan berbukit, jalan tidak rata dan ruang letak kereta yang kosong. Semua meter pengukur mestilah berfungsi dengan baik terutama meter tekanan minyak dan suhu enjin. Jika tidak jangan beli kereta itu. Pandulah ke jalan raya yang lengang dan tingkatkan kelajuan hingga 56 kmj, tranmision automatiknya mestilah bertukar tanpa sebarang bunyi atau tersentak-sentak. Jika kereta itu mempunyai sistem penukaran tangan, ia sepatutnya tidak melekat-lekat atau berkertak. Perlahankan kereta itu hingga 10 kmj dengan mengenakan brek secara perlahan-lahan. Pastikan tidak ada sebarang bunyi. Kereta itu juga mestilah menjadi perlahan dalam keadaan lurus, tanpa terpusing ke kanan atau ke kiri. · TINGKATKAN kelajuan hingga 25 - 30 kmj kemudian tekan brek secara mengejut (pastikan tiada kereta lain dibelakang anda). Kereta itu mestilah berhenti dengan cepat tanpa terpusing. Di dalam ruang letak kereta yang kosong dan rata, tekan brek hingga kereta itu betul-betul berhenti. Tukar kepada gear undur dan undur pada kelajuan 6 kmj. Kemudian tekan brek hingga berhenti, tukar kepada gear depan dan seterusnya. Lakukan ini empat atau lima kali untuk menguji transmision. Semua penukaran mestilah lancar tanpa ada sebarang bunyi. Pandu dalam corak nombor 8 untuk menguji tindak balas stering. Jika stering agak liat, ia mungkin berpunca daripada linkage atau sistem gantungan depan. Jangan beli kereta itu kecuali anda diberi jaminan bahawa masalah itu akan dibaiki. Masih di dalam ruang letak kereta yang kosong. Tingkatkan kelajuan hingga kira-kira 30kmj dan lepaskan tangan dari stering selama beberapa saat. Kereta itu mestilah bergerak lurus dan tidak terbabas. Kemudian tekan brek perlahan-lahan tanpa memegang stering. Kereta itu juga mesti berhenti dalam keadaan lurus. Jika ia terpusing, nyatalah kereta ini ada masalah. Pastikan anda diberi jaminan bahawa masalah itu akan dibaiki. · KEMUDIAN pandu kereta itu di jalan tidak rata yang anda pilih. Jangan beli kereta yang terlalu kuat bergegar atau melambung-lambung. Kereta itu mungkin mempunyai penyerap hentak spring atau bahagian-bahagian sistem gantungan yang rosak. Ketika mendaki bukit. Tingkatkan kelajuan sehingga kira-kira 60 kmj. Kereta itu mestilah tidak tersangkut-sangkut. Jika hal ini berlaku, ini bermakna kereta itu mempunyai transmission yang rosak. Turun hingga ke pertengahan bukit, tukar kepada gear bebas dan pasang brek tangan. Kereta mestilah tetap apabila anda melepaskan kaki anda daripada pedal brek. Setelah itu balik ke jalan raya biasa, hentikan kereta anda perhatikan ke belakang sebelum meneruskan perjalanan semula dan tingkatkan kelajuan hingga kira-kira 80kmj. Peningkatan kelajuan mestilah lancar dan pastikan tiada asap keluar di belakang dan tidak ada sebarang bunyi yang menunjukkan enjin tidak begitu baik. Jika pecutan (peningkatan kelajuan) mengambil masa lebih 15 saat, ini bermakna enjin tidak begitu baik dan mungkin memerlukan pembaikan dengan perbelanjaan yang mahal. · KEMBALI semula ke ruang letak kereta. Setelah memasuki ruang letak kereta, biarkan enjin selama beberapa minit. Kemudian perhatikan ke bawah kereta sama ada terdapat titisan minyak atau tidak. Angkat penutup enjin dan periksa enjin sekali lagi untuk melihat sebarang kebocoran. Suruh jurujual memandu kereta tersebut melintasi ruang-ruang itu dan kemudian berpatah balik ke arah anda. Perhatikan sebarang keganjilan yang kelihatan pada kereta itu, sama ada bunyinya atau kawalannya. Ada baiknya anda membawa kereta itu kepada seorang mekanik. Bawalah kereta itu ke stesen servis. Mekanik itu mungkin dapat meneliti beberapa kerosakan yang anda sendiri tidak nampak serta memastikan sama ada kerosakan yang anda kesan itu benar-benar serius atau tidak. Mereka juga boleh membuat ujian tekanan terhadap enjin untuk memeriksa ring atau injap. Sebelum anda membuat pilihan periksa dulu geran kereta itu atau dokumen-dokumen lain. Nombor enjin dan lain-lain mestilah betul. Jangan sampai anda terbeli kereta curi.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
garuda pancagila indon
1. Burung garuda bermaksud indon suka laga ayam, jika kita melawat ke koloni indon di Malaysia pasti akan ada judi ayam dan indon sanggup berbunuh-bunuhan jika ayamnya dihina
2. Kepala lembu dengan latarbelakang merah bermaksud indon bodoh macam lembu yang dicucuk hidungnya (contohnya lihat babu/orang gaji indon yang ada dirumah kita... bodoh amat... memang pantas kalau mereka dikasarin)*
3. Sebatang pokok dengan latarbelakang putih bermaksud indon suka buka koloni dalam hutan bagi mengelakkan dari di tangkap RELA (pahlawan negara Malaysia)
4. Untai beras dengan latarbelakang putih bermaksud indon sampai kapan pun akan tetap menjadi negara dunia ke tiga (negara agraris). Malangnya indon sekarang terpaksa impor beras dari Malaysia karena pertanian indon berteknologi 1970
5. Rantai besi latarbelakang merah bermaksud TKI, TKW & PATI yang didalam penjara dan tempat penahanan imigrasi Malaysia (pahlawan devisa yang telah roboh)
6. Bintang berbucu 5 latarbelakang hitam bermaksud pancagila (panca = 5, gila = nggak normal) iaitu 5 kegilaan indon, 1. Ganyang 2. Demonstrasi 3. Korupsi 4. Kroni 5. PATI. Semua ini hasil peninggalan PKI
7. Perkataan bhineka tunggal ika bermaksud Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu di bawah jawa, iaitu berbeda itu bisa tapi harus akur pada jawa.
*untuk indon, kasarin itu bertujuan mendidik kalian agar maju seperti Malaysia, sama seperti kita memukul anak-anak kita, iaitu tujuan mendidik
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